Help! I’m getting too many emails!

Too many emails? I’ve been hearing that a lot from parents, students, and even teachers. Here is a quick guide to help you figure out what needs to be read NOW (hint: not very much) and what can wait a few weeks.

What you need to know now:

  • Where you need to be on the first day

  • When you need to be there

  • What you need to have with you

  • How to log in

What you don’t need to know right now:

  • Anything else

Everyone is overwhelmed right now. Teachers and administrators are erring on the side of over-communication so you have the information in your inbox for later.

Teachers won’t notice if you haven’t memorized all the dates for the rest of the semester (and I would bet my teacher’s salary that a lot of that information will change in the coming days, weeks, and months).

If you get a free moment in the next few weeks, it might be helpful to skim the emails. If you have a specific question, you might find that information in the emails. If you don’t find the information there, it is quite likely it hasn’t been decided yet. If you still have a question, your teacher will be happy to answer it for you (if there is an answer).

The kids are alright. We are all overwhelmed right now and we don’t know what the year will look like. All we know is that there will be changes.

You can do this.

Robin SattyComment