Exciting News for STEMsmart Blog!

I have exciting news! STEMsmart Consulting LLC is so busy that I will be stepping back from the blog for the time being. Here’s a summary of some of the other exciting things I will be doing:

  • Developing and running science labs for a local school for students with ASD, ADHD, and other developmental disabilities

  • Creating a NGSS-aligned high school biology textbook that does a lot of the curriculum legwork that teachers often don’t have time to do

  • Providing professional development in instructional strategies for tutors

  • Writing a guide for parents who want to help their kids with Common Core math

In the meantime, drop me a line at robin@stemsmartconsulting.com if you’d like a science article or explainer on a particular topic, some custom curriculum or program development, or want to say hi!

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