
Engaging students is an important puzzle to solve. When students are engaged, they’re more likely to work hard when the going gets tough and more likely to feel successful.

Gamification can be a great tool for engaging students. Gamification is many things, but can be defined as “the use of game elements in non-entertainment contexts to promote learning”. It has helped students feel motivated, complete work, and enjoy learning.

How can we use gamification in our instruction? Here are some ideas!

  • Have leaderboards that track students’ homework completion

  • Award points for doing independent practice

  • Create competitions for non-academic tasks, like organization systems

  • Use digital game software like Kahoot! and Mathchops

Gamification is not an end in and of itself, but can be useful along with high quality feedback and intentional scaffolding.

How do you incorporate gamification in your practice?


Robin SattyComment